Welcome to May Ranch Elementary School
Welcome to May Ranch Elementary School, Home of the Wranglers!
Our mission is to help every child learn and reach their highest potential. Our staff has made a commitment to provide excellent opportunities for 21st century learning in the classroom to ensure our students will be future ready, even during these unprecedented times. All instructional goals are focused on California Common Core Standards and are in alignment with district goals.
We are an AVID elementary school!
It is our goal that all students are on the road to college. We have a culture of college readiness and it is our goal that ALL of our students begin to believe that each of them has an opportunity to go to college in the future. We work hard to create a positive school culture here at May Ranch using PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support).
We have four universal school rules: Be Respectful – Be Responsible – Be Safe- Be Present! Our staff works collaboratively in professional learning communities and with parents, to set high expectations and provide support for all students. We are eager to engage parents and students in our school community, and there are many ways to get involved. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the office staff.
Contact the Principal or Assistant Principal

Mrs. Campbell, Principal hcampbell@valverde.edu
Mrs. Hackworth, Asst. Principal rhackworth@valverde.edu
Community Rights, Resources, and Notifications
- Nondiscrimination Policy
- Nondiscrimination Statement
- Definitions of discrimination and harassment based on sex
- Suicide Prevention Policies
- Nondiscrimination/ Harassment Policy
- Student Sexual Harassment Policy
- Title IX/Uniform Complaint Procedure
- Bully Prevention Policy (English)
- Bully Prevention Policy (Spanish)