August Homework

6 years ago

By Laura Gapczynski

You never know until you try"

Social Studies: How was America discovered? What did explorers do during the Age of Exploration?   

Science: What is the Rock Cycle about and why is it important to learn about rocks and minerals?

Language Arts: When do you use capitalization? When are you supposed to use commas? How are pronouns important and when do you use them?

Math: How can multiple sets of numbers be multiplied? Are there techniques to simplify the multiplication process?

Writing: What is a narrative and how do we best write narratives such as fictional stories, or biographical narratives?

Reading: How do we get what we need? How can we work together to achieve our goals?

Vocabulary: What are some synonyms of our vocabulary words and how can we use expert words regularly to increase our vocabulary?

Morphology: How are parts of words combined to form new words and how can parts of words help us decipher difficult words?            


Students usually have 3 to 4 items of homework per night, taking about one hour if they work continuously. The homework usually consists of a math assignment (Think Central), reading assignment (Journal entry or Connected), and Studies Weekly ( Students also may study for vocabulary, language arts, and morphology tests. Occasionally students will use their science art to help understand a science lesson. Special projects may also be assigned, such as engineering or science projects. The student is given plenty of time and notified of the date due. I will try to post long term assignments here so you will be aware of them ahead of time.

Lesson Plans

Week 3 - Routines and Procedures - 8/27/18 to 8/31/18 Daily Routine P.E. - Introduce routines and procedure Mindfulness Google Scavenger Hunts PBIS Digital Citizenship
Class Link

Reading - Test Friday 9/7/18 Weekly Concept: Trial and Error Essential Question: What can lead us to rethink an idea? Objectives for whiteboard: Identify character, setting, plot, problem, and solution in Whitewater Adventure and Second Day, First Impressions using graphic organizers to organize information.
Identify idioms in text and interpret the meaning of them. Reading: Whitewater Adventure - Literature; Realistic Fiction T80-T81 Second Day, First Impressions - Literature - Realistic Fiction T89A - T89L Lost in the Museum Wings - Literature - Realistic Fiction - T153S-T153T Listening Comprehension: Read Aloud - Shelter in a Storm T76-T77 Skills This Week character, setting, plot T84-T85 problem & solution T84-T85 Idioms T88-T89 Research & Inquiry T102 - T105

Writing Write to Sources T92-T95 Genre - Narrative T344 Vocabulary T100-101 Quizlet - Vocab. Graphic Organizer accomplish anxious assemble decipher distracted navigate options retrace

Morphology (Spelling) Morphology Assessment 1 P - bio - life (biography, biology, biological) R - dem - people (democracy, demographics), R - graph - written or to write (biography, graphology, telegraph) R - astro/aster - pertaining to stars or activities outside of the earth’s atmosphere (astronomy, astrological, astronaut) R - phon - sound (telephone, phonograph, phonics) S -cracy - governing body (democracy, bureaucracy)

Language Arts Capitalization Punctuation and Commas

Writing - Finish Mandala Writing Mandala writing - similar to Quick Write Mandala graphic organizer Mandala outline - teacher outline - finish writing and post by Back to School Night

Math Objective for whiteboard Unit 4 Practice solving multiplication problems using patterns, place value, and manipulatives to show understanding of multiplication strategies.. Unit 4 Start with Conceptual Math Lessons Clothesline math idea - identify place value (who has a 3 in the ones place, who has 6 tens, etc)

Science - none right now

Social Studies - Test Friday 8/31/18 Studies Weekly Week 1 - use to teach close reading routines Studies Weekly Scavenger Hunt